A selection from the series A TOURIST FROM MARS

I was invited to give a one-man exhibition in June 2014 at the Fotoforum gallery in Innsbruck, Austria, which was also the 25th anniversary of the gallery.  I had had a previous show at Fotoforum in 2010, so the 84 images I selected were from sequences completed since 2010, plus work from some ongoing projects, in particular one with a working title of “England and Nowhere”.  The exhibition was given the title “A Tourist From Mars”, an expression borrowed from my blog.  As part of the publicity surrounding the gallery’s 25th anniversary, I appeared in a 3-minute feature on the regional television channel and featured in several local newspapers.

I was also invited to do a 10-day residency in Innsbruck, which I was delighted to do, not least because it gave me an opportunity to revisit some places and landscapes I had last seen in 1972.  I took something in the region of 1500 photographs – an unusually large quantity for me – and the images you see in this gallery are a very small selection from the work made during this Tyrolean residency.

During the residency, and for a time after returning home, I put up daily posts of photographs and commentary onto my blog Idiotic Hat, and I have now compiled these into a book, which is linked to below.

I have re-used the title of the Fotoforum exhibition for this gallery and the blog-book, as these pictures are the direct result of my Martian tourism in that locality.

Mike Chisholm 2014


A full preview of the Blurb Book of this series is available:

a b l o g b o o k
By Mike Chisholm
Photo book